
Legal Information

This legal notice was written by me, not a lawyer. I am not a lawyer. The intent is as written here by my own hands, no fine print, no legalese.

Site Content

The content of this site, unless otherwise specified, is the rightful property of me, Alex Craik. The design of this website is, again, unless otherwise specified, the property of me. I designed the site, it's mine. The "snail" identity, including the "curve" logo, belongs to me as well. Don't steal it, don't try to be me. You don't want that.

Use of Neocities Identity

The Neocities name and logo are property of Neocities. My use of the identity is simply to specify that I am using them as my hosting provider, and I'm sure they have no problem with that. Consider it free advertising.


The Roboto Condensed and Roboto Mono font families in use on this site were obtained freely from Google Fonts, per their terms of use.

Color Scheme

The color scheme of this site was lovingly based on that of Discord's dark theme, because I thought it looked nice enough, and I'm not artistically inclined. I'm sure they don't care at all. Legally protecting a color? Come on.